Purchase Order Financing

Revolutionize Your Supply Chain with Reverse Purchase Order Financing

Pilon - Purchasing Order FInancing
In an ever-evolving market landscape where agility and financial stability are key, Pilon introduces a groundbreaking solution to transform your supply chain operations: Reverse Purchase Order Financing. Tailored specifically for anchor companies seeking to reinforce their supply chain while maintaining liquidity, this innovative financial tool is designed to empower your suppliers, ensuring that your orders are fulfilled promptly and efficiently, without straining your working capital.
What Is Reverse Purchase Order Financing?

Reverse Purchase Order Financing is a specialized solution that flips the traditional financing model around

Instead of focusing on providing financing directly to you, the Anchor, this approach provides your suppliers with the financial support they need to fulfill orders for your large contracts. By ensuring that your suppliers have access to the necessary funds to cover the cost of labor, materials, and other expenses. 

Reverse Purchase Order Financing helps maintain the integrity of your supply chain, reduces the risk of order fulfillment delays, and enhances your business’s overall efficiency.

Its Impact on your business

Enhanced Supply Chain Efficiency

Ensure your suppliers have the financial means to fulfill orders on time, every time, maintaining the fluidity and reliability of your supply chain.

Mitigated Risk

By supporting your suppliers financially, you reduce the risk of disruptions due to their potential cash flow problems, protecting your business from unexpected delays.

Improved Supplier Relationships

Demonstrating a commitment to your suppliers' success fosters stronger, more reliable partnerships, critical for long-term business growth.

Optimized Working Capital

Reverse Purchase Order Financing frees up your working capital by providing your suppliers with direct funding, allowing you to allocate resources more effectively elsewhere.


Reverse Supply Chain Financing

Attain strategic cashflow and become the customer of choice

Distributor Financing

Supercharge your sales and elevate your distribution network

Purchase Order Financing

Attain fulfilment confidence with a strengthened suppliers’ ecosystem

Developer API

Work with us. Ready APIs for your ‘Plug and Play’.

We hold strong confidence in Pilon's forward-thinking leadership and their capacity to bring about substantial transformations in the industry,

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