
Embark is a cloud based workflow for Cargo Handlers and the Logistic companies. It is designed to let operators manage their business more efficiently.
Digitise your operations and allow information to flow and interact between departments to achieve cost and time savings. Increase your company’s top line by increasing its production output with technology and work efficiency.
A digitalised workflow with streamlined business processes allows data to interact between all departments, reducing the amount of time spent on tedious and mundane tasks while producing higher quality work, effectively.

1. Digital Onboarding
2. Automated Jobs Scheduling
3. Allowing Your Client To Place An Order On Their Own
4. Billing
Your company’s incoming job requests to the fulfilment of the tasks have been captured digitally. Why not turn them accurately into billable invoices for your finance team?
5. Salary
Field Service Management
We understood that the solution will not be complete if it is used just at the back office. So we had the system designed to be mobile-friendly and allow the crew (drivers) to provide feedback and inputs when they are in the field because a lot of information will be fed into the system as they confirm their attendance for the next day, have their goods delivered, and submit their claims due to work related matters.
Reverse Supply Chain Financing
Attain strategic cashflow and become the customer of choice
Distributor Financing
Supercharge your sales and elevate your distribution network
Purchase Order Financing
Attain fulfilment confidence with a strengthened suppliers’ ecosystem
Developer API
Work with us. Ready APIs for your ‘Plug and Play’.
We hold strong confidence in Pilon's forward-thinking leadership and their capacity to bring about substantial transformations in the industry,
Lisa Gokongwei-Cheng, partner at Kaya Founders